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Compose New Mail using External Editor

Since AirMail has no control over the external editor, any time you click on the New mail icon or the menu item, AirMail automatically creates a new file for the new mail. The new mail heading looks like this:

[AIRMAIL3]                    --> Mail keyword.
To: toysoft@spots.ab.ca,      --> Must come before the TO: addresses
From: toysoft@spots.ab.ca     --> Automatically displayed
Date: Jan 1 1997 11:11:09 PM  --> Automatically displayed
Subject: Air Mail is great!	 --> Automatically displayed or entered
X-Receipt: Off                --> Get a receipt
X-Form: Standard              --> Form to use
MIME Version: 1.0             --> MIME Header
Content-Type: plain\text      --> MIME Header
[FILES]                       --> Must come before an attached FILE
Office:Comms/Files/sushi.out, --> Optional filename to attach
X-Mailer: Air Mail Pro v1.0 [MUI] -- Amiga Mailer By Danny Y. Wong
The above is the default New mail heading. The TO, SUBJECT, and FILES fields will be filled in automatically if you had entered anything in the respective areas in the Write New Mail window. You are required to enter the TO field, all other fields are optional and should be replaced with blank lines if you do not use them.

You can create your mail using any method but the header must be the same as described above.

You can edit the mail header but you must follow these restrictions.

1. The maximum number of characters per line in the header in 60 characters.
2. You can have as many lines in the TO: and [FILES] block.
3. A ', ' comma and space separates each email address or file.
4. A ', ' comma and space terminates each line in the [TO] and [FILES] block
5. There must be a blank line between the last line in the header block and your message.

Last Updated May 25, 1997
HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
All rights reserved.